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illustration неизвестно* 2 года (май 2021-го)
Категории: Food and Drink Holidays

3d Duanwu Festival banner with rice dumplings falling into the bamboo steamer. Chinese translation: Dragon Boat Festival on the 5th day of the fifth lunar month

festival: x2

Ключевиков: 9/42. Словосочетаний нет.
dragon, boat, festival, 3d, food, zongzi, rice, chinese, dumpling, background, pattern, summer, paper, wall, leaf, cartoon, happy, mountain, celebration, cute, meat, holiday, bamboo, cuisine, ingredient, decoration, culture, thread, peanut, lunar, traditional, shiitake, dynamic, glutinous, oriental, platform, greeting, asia, duanwu, falling, steamer, sticky

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