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photo не в топе* 2 года, 9 месяцев (август 2021-го)
Категории: Religion Holidays

Jewish festival of Sukkot. Traditional succah (hut) with decorations. Empty wooden old table for product display and presentation.

Ключевиков: 9/50. Словосочетаний: 1.
sukkot, sukkah, sukot, sukkos, succoth, festival, jewish, table, succot, background, vintage, white, celebration, plant, presentation, holiday, fall, day, wooden, religion, religious, spirituality, culture, holy, ritual, product, judaism, tradition, hebrew, feast, traditional, tent, faith, judaic, hut, shelf, backdrop, decorations, symbol, symbolic, back drop, display, festive, jew, judaica, judaical, montage, succos, sukkoth, torah

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