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photo не в топе* 2 года, 9 месяцев (август 2021-го)
Категории: Backgrounds/Textures Holidays

Happy New year 2022 with large silhouette letters on the mountain with beautiful sunset light, sunlight, golden sky and clouds for success concept. Welcome Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in 2022.

happy: x2 | new: x2 | year: x2 | 2022: x2

Ключевиков: 10/50. Словосочетаний: 1.
2022, new, year, background, concept, happy, sunrise, hope, sky, dawn, sunset, business, design, light, clouds, calendar, new year, sun, mountain, success, celebration, silhouette, future, holiday, strategy, event, number, freedom, vision, sunlight, twilight, dusk, date, development, goal, evening, morning, positive, golden, symbol, large, beginning, change, dark, fear, fight, obstacle, plan, startup, together

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