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Rolling Stones

vector не в топе* 2 года, 6 месяцев (ноябрь 2021-го)
Категории: Backgrounds/Textures Holidays

CNY lion dance banner. Cute tigers holding head puppet performing lion dance. Text of having an auspicious New Year is written in Chinese on the upper left

lion: x2 | dance: x2

Ключевиков: 20/46. Словосочетаний: 2.
year, new, chinese, 2022, tiger, dance, lion, lunar, cny, cute, firecracker, china, happy, banner, lantern, illustration, festival, head, parade, holiday, prosperity, vector, fortune, zodiac, performance, animal, spring, celebration, asian, carnival, religious, culture, costume, traditional, folk, lion dance, oriental, puppet, couplet, activity, giftbox, hold, lively, lovely, symbolize, temple fair

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