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photo не в топе* 1 год, 6 месяцев (ноябрь 2022-го)
Категории: Business/Finance Signs/Symbols

Dice form the German expressions 'Gaspreisbremse' (gas price limit) and 'Strompreisbremse' (power price limit).

price: x2 | limit: x2

Ключевиков: 1/38. Словосочетаний: 10.
german, business, background, technology, winter, concept, green, finance, energy, support, text, savings, price, cube, gas, word, dice, government, renewable energy, efficiency, prices, power supply, environmental issues, symbol, energy crisis, cost of living, assistance program, change, costs, crisis, expensive, fuel and power generation, germany, limit, politics and government, relief package, social issues, turn

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