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Rolling Stones

illustration неизвестно* 1 год, 4 месяца (декабрь 2022-го)
Категории: Holidays отсутствует

CNY illustration. Cute bunnies stacking up in lion dancing costume with money behind on light orange radial background. Text: Auspicious year of the rabbit.

Ключевиков: 3/41. Словосочетаний: 5.
rabbit, chinese, lunar, banner, money, illustration, new year, poster, animal, smoke, confetti, card, cute, holiday, festival, wealth, cash, coin, culture, zodiac, firework, bunny, tradition, traditional, scroll, stack, cny, red envelope, lion dance, taiwanese, greeting, radial, sycee, adorable, asia, chubby, festive, fortune, fortune bag, gold ingot, rich

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